Projects I work(ed) on
Only some projects have a detailed description so far. Please see below for timeline list.
Grab Your Item
Marking free objects on a map for anyone to pick up
Big data archiving and analysis project
Replacing an excel based, print, fill out, scan solution
Calibration Tool
Marking free objects on a map for anyone to pick up
General Timeline
- Joined Alten Gmbh as Consultant. First project at Mercedes Benz focused on the development of a new end to end Test-Framework for the infotainment system.
- Built scalable Leadboard service
- Built Image CDN as a building block for
- Build more CI tooling for SSE to be executed in the gitlab pipelines
- Built Calibration tool for a client of SSE utilizing inside of a .NET MAUI webview and a openapi interface towards the frontend and CANOpen towards the hardware
- Grew the skyblock project to 5k+ dayily users
- Built the PTS-Framework at SSE and Plugins utilizing single-spa, and
- Worked on a sales tool that allows the configuration of sandbox PCs for the sales Department.
- Together with friends founded a company for and continued to develop the skyblock Project picking up react.js & kafka also aplit up monolyth into microservices.
- Digitalized part of the workflow at Rohde&Schwarz with and c# as part of a 6 months internship
- Graduated from It-schools-Plattling
- Build lifenizer using Test-driven development, and c#
- Joined Schubert System Elektronik (SSE)
- Worked on the webpannel product utilizing BuildRoot, python and
- Built a distributed server framework with C#.
- Build family tree project with qt and javascript
- Started the skyblock auction collection and analysis project
- Implemented new requirements of GDPR.
- Extended quiz game with multiplayer and a chat. Implemented the secure signal-protocol into it. Made automatic builds.
- Built Grab Your Item as a school project learning
- Created an extention adding the oauth2-server standard to Userfrosting to add login to chat.
- Rebuilt quiz game in Unity3d
- Graduated secondary school
- Built an editor to create new quiz games with jquery, PHP and mariadb.
- Joined It-schools-Plattling
- Built second version of Quiz Game with other template because first violated developer terms reaching a million downloads.
- Added Chat to the RSS reader app
- Built first game with unity3d
- Built first Quiz Game with Template reaching 29.000 installs
- Built simple RSS reader android apps and pubished them to Google Play. Writing PHP on the Backend to convert data.
Got into programming after reaching the limit of what could be done with redstone in minecraft and page editor
Started with javascript, php and the userfrosting framework.